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Antidiscrimination counselling

Discrimination means …

to be disadvantaged, excluded, (sexually) harassed or insulted because of a disability, for racist reasons, for reasons of origin, religion or belief, because of age, gender, sexual orientation, social status, etc.


Discrimination can happen anywhere …

  • at work or while looking for work
  • at school, vocational college or university
  • in offices of the public administration (social assistance office, aliens’ department, employment office)
  • in the search for a place to live
  • while shopping
  • while engaging in sports or leisure-time activities
  • on the bus or train

What we offer …

We counsel and accompany persons who have been subjected to discrimination – confidentially, free of charge, barrier-free and in several languages. The focus is on your wishes and goals.

Counselling and accompaniment

  • ADiBe offers an initial legal assessment on the basis of the General Act on Equal Treatment (AGG).
  • ADiBe contacts the discriminating office or person, requests statements, or writes a letter of complaint.
  • ADiBe provides support in mediation and clarification talks.
  • ADiBe helps you figure out what to do next.

The ADiBe network

ADiBe is a network comprising a wide range of organisations. We work with legal experts, psychosocial counselling centres and communities of persons affected by discrimination. This way, we can offer the right counselling for different types of discrimination.


  • You’re not hired for a job and have the impression it has something to do with your disability.
  • You are denied membership in a gym because you are a refugee.
  • You don’t get a flat and think it might be because you’re a lesbian couple.
  • You are the only Black person in the queue at the club. You are the only person the bouncer doesn’t let in.

First Aid: What to do when you are discriminated against

  • Stay calm and do not be provoked.
  • Check if there are witnesses (other customers, passers-by) or evidence of discrimination. Talk to witnesses and ask for their name and phone number.
  • Write memory minutes. What happened when and where? Who was involved? Who was a witness?
  • Why were you discriminated against? What makes you recognize that you were disadvantaged for reasons of your skin colour / language / disability / sexual orientation or…?   
  • Contact a counselling centre as soon as possible. Legal claims can usually be claimed only within two months.
  • Further information...

You can report discrimination (anonymously) here.



kontakt [at] adibe-hessen.de (kontakt[at]adibe-hessen[dot]de)

Phone or e-mail us. We can arrange an appointment.

Office hours:

Monday – Thursday, 10 am – 5 pm

Tuesday 10 am – 6:30 pm